The TEACh-Pain Project

What is the TEACh-Pain Project?
The TEACh-Pain Project is an educational website developed as a resource to help teachers learn about chronic pain. Approximately 25% of students are impacted by pain, with 8% experiencing severe and frequent pain. While approximately 5% of these children will experience pain-related disability, many more are likely to experience reduced school functioning as a result. Some of the most common types of chronic pain include headaches, abdominal pain, and limb pain. Sometimes chronic pain is associated with diagnosed medical conditions like juvenile arthritis and cancer. Other times, there is no known medical cause for the pain being experienced. But regardless of whether or not these students have been diagnosed with a medical condition, they are experiencing frequent, persistent pain and teachers are faced with the challenge of teaching this unique student population. This website is designed to provide teachers with the knowledge and insight necessary to work effectively with students who have chronic pain and guide them to other helpful resources.

Who is it for?
Although the TEACh-Pain Project has been designed specifically with teachers in mind, the website can provide useful information to anyone looking to gain an understanding of pediatric chronic pain.

How do you use it?
The TEACh-Pain Project is divided into six sections which can be seen at the top of your screen. Each section has a variety of subsections which provide useful information, tools, and strategies for working with students who have chronic pain. Simply click on the title of a section you would like to read and scroll down to see the various subsections.

* Please Note: The TEACh-Pain Project was designed and implemented as a student project for a Master’s level thesis. Although professionals have contributed to the development of this website, it is in no way intended to replace the guidance of trained professionals.